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Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Yogyakarta Vocation

           After school was over I immediately planned for the holidays. At that time my aunt named mila took me a vacation to yogyakarta. And we were off on vacation with aunt, uncle, grandmother, cousin. We set off using a private car trips that we go for fifteen hours. Upon arrival in Yogya area we rested at home in the village uncle Creyen, mountains south. We rested for a moment about three hours. Then we immediately went to visit Borobudur temple at Borobudur Temple to pray because we see my uncle Budha. After the Borobudur temple we went to eat and then we continued to go to the stairs one thousand for pilgrimage. After our pilgrimage home to wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow morning we went to the beach we eat there Baron-seafood from the coast after we visited malioboro to shop. And we went home. Later that night at twelve o'clock we all went to the Kraton for a pilgrimage to mahkam Senopati and then me perform ritual in the kraton. After our pilgrimage back to home uncle to rest because the next day we had to go home to Bekasi.

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